ዐፅመ ታሪክ (አጭር)
የቆሎ ተማሪው ጎበዜ አብሮ
አደግ ፍቅሩን በእብሪተኛው ጭቃ ሹሙ ጎንጤ ይነጠቃል፣ ጎበዜም ለሰባት ዓመታት በየሃገሩና በያድባራቱ ባላንጣውን ጎንጤን ፈልጎ ካገኘው በሁዋላ ተቆራኝቶት፣ ፍትህ ፍለጋ ወደ ንግስት ዘውዲቱ ችሎት ቀርቦ የአፄ-ስራት ውርድ ተክሎ፣ በሙግት መርታት፣ ቆለጡን ማትረፍና ፍቅሩን አለሜን የራሱ ማድረግ ይጠበቅበታል፡፡
In order to free his childhood sweetheart, wanderer student Gobeze is chained and travels with her kidnapper to the royal town to debate and defeat his opponent at a beloved queen’s court.
ዐፅመ ታሪክ
በንግስት ዘውዲቱ ዘመን ደብረሲና አካባቢ ነዋሪ የሆነው የቆሎ ተማሪው ጎበዜ ከአብሮ አደጉ አለሜ እነደነፍሱ ይወዳታል፡፡ አንድ ቀን እብሪተኛው ጎንጤ የጎበዜን የአይን ማረፊያ-አለሜን ጠልፎ ደብዛዋን ያጠፋበታል፡፡ ጎበዜ እረኛነቱን ትቶ የቆሎ ተማሪ ሆኖ በየአድባራቱ ለ7 ዓመት ፈልጎ አለሜን ያገኛታል፡፡ ባላጋራው የታወቀ ጭቃሹም መሆኑን ሲያውቅ ይዟት ሊጠፋ ይወስናል፡፡
ለ7 ዓመት የቆሎ ተማሪ ሆኖ አለሜን ሲፈልግ ያልገባበት ቤት ያለመነበት ደብር እንደሌለ የልቡን ስብራት አሳየ፡፡ በመጨረሻም፣ የአማኑኤል ቀን አንድዬ መርቶት አለሜን እንዳገኘ፣ የልብ የፍቅር ቃል ከእሷ ጋር፣
አፈንጉስም ንግስትም በሙግቱ ተገርመው፣ አፈንጉስ ሲያመነቱ ንግስት ፈረዱለት፡፡ ጎንጤም ሙግቱን አሰለሰለ፣ መረታቱን አመነ፣ አንገቱን ደፋ፣ የፊጥኝ ታስሮ በቅዳሜ ገበያ ዞሮ እኔን ያየህ ተቀጣ ተዋረደ፡፡ ጎበዜ ባላንጣው ጎንጤ በጀመረው ክስ በሙግት አይሎ በንግስት ዘውዲቱ ፊት ውርድ ተክሎና ረቶት ተሹሞና ተሸልሞ ፍቅሩን የራሱ አደረጋት፡፡
In Ethiopia, during the era of Queen Zewditu, shepherd boy Gobezé is in love with his childhood sweetheart, Alemé. One day, the arrogant court litigator Gonté, abducts, marries and runs away with Alemé. Consumed by his love, Gobezé becomes a wanderer student and searches for her for seven years. When he finally finds her, he decides to run away with her, but the two young lovers are caught red-handed by Gonté while making love. Neighbors stall the ensuing fight and an elder chains the two men together and tells them to stand trial in the queen’s court in a nearby town.Enchained during their journey, they come across a ritual spell that hints at the string of bad luck they will later face: a turbulent river, a bandit, hunger and even malaria. Gonté saves Gobezé from these events with the aim to attack and humiliate him later on in the royal court. In the royal court, Gonté, an experienced litigator, makes Gobezé look like a fool. He reveals to the people that Gobezé is a cursed, lustful coward who doesn’t have integrity and who doesn’t know how to make smart arguments in the queen’s court. After receiving lashes for speaking out of turn, Gobezé tells the Queen and the court about the crime Gonté committed against him and Alemé seven years before. Cleared of all charges, Gobezé returns to his village with Alemé.
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